1500 4th Ave SE
Austin, MN 55912
9:15 AM - Adult Bible Study
10:30 AM - Worship
Families with young children. A Cry and Comfort Room is located in the back of the sanctuary where you can take your children and still watch and listen to the service. There are Kids’ Worship Bulletins and Quiet Bags with activities to keep kids occupied.
During the sermon time we offer Children’s Church for Elementary age children and a Toddler Room and Nursery for younger children.
6:30 PM - Mid-Week Bible Study

Bethlehem Church is a Christian community that glorifies God. Our hope for you when you come to Bethlehem is that you find a loving and safe community that allows you to experience God’s love and hear His call for your life. We strive to make Bethlehem a welcoming place, so you don’t need to worry about what to wear or what you need to do. We invite you to come and join us on the journey to know God.
There is no dress code for worship; come as you are. Most people who are a part of Bethlehem dress casual.
Our greeters love to meet new people! As soon as you walk in the door you’ll be welcomed into our worship service.
Check out the Welcome Center. There you will find information about Bethlehem, upcoming events, and other resources.
During the Service
Praise Time: Whether you want to sit down and think about the words being sung or if you want to stand with your hands stretched to the sky, at Bethlehem we are open to many different expressions of worship. Feel free to worship God in a way that is comfortable to you.
Prayer: God gave us the gift of prayer. During prayer time we are led in a time of silent prayer to allow each person to offer their unique prayers to God. This can feel uncomfortable at first, but allows us to grow in the practice of prayer.
Offering: We give money as a way to partner with God in the work He is doing in the world. The gifts given are used to support world missions as well as the ministry and work of Bethlehem. Our offering is for members and regular attenders. If you are new to Bethlehem, there is no pressure to give.
Sermon: The sermon is a teaching time done by Pastor Paul. His sermons are based on the Bible and are for providing wisdom and guidance as we follow Jesus. We believe that the Bible is God’s Word, and we want our lives to be grounded in its teachings.
Communion: The first Sunday of the month we celebrate Communion to remember the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. During Communion the congregation is invited to come forward to receive the bread and the cup. We ask that you hold on to it so the entire church community can take Communion together. If you are a follower of Jesus you are invited to celebrate Communion with us.
Before You Leave
You will be greeted by Pastor Paul (and probably one of his kids!) at the door before you leave. We are glad that you decided to join us for worship!
The purpose of Bethlehem Church is to be a Christian community that glorifies God.

We are a community that believes the focus of our lives is to glorify God. We glorify God by praising Him and demonstrating His character in the world.

We are a community that believes love is best seen through helping those in need. We serve through generosity and doing what we can to meet the needs of people.

We are a community that believes relationships are at the center of the life God has called us to live. We have fellowship when we are united in faith, love, service, and worship.

We are a community that believes it is essential to teach others how to faithfully follow Jesus. Disciples is the core mission of the Church is concerned with evangelism and the spiritual formation of people.
Bethlehem Church is part of the global Free Methodist Church. Free Methodists are people who strive to follow Jesus by living out His teachings as found in the Bible. We seek to proclaim God’s love to all people and live holy lives.
To learn more about the Free Methodist Denomination visit http://fmcusa.org

The foundation of what we believe at Bethlehem is the Gospel. The Gospel is the declaration that God’s Kingdom has come into the world through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. As a result we can be saved from sin, Satan, and death to live the new life God has for His people. We believe that the Bible is God’s Word for His people and that the Holy Spirit works in the lives of Christians to renew their hearts and minds so they can become the people God created them to be.
— Pastor Paul Steele